St Barnabas Community Hub


We've transformed the former Harbour Café into a vibrant Community Hub, offering a variety of activities each week designed to bring people together. Check out our schedule below and see if there's something you'd like to join in with. We'd love to see you!


  • Barny Babies (11am - 12:30pm): A free stay-and-play group for parents, carers, and pre-school (0-5 years) children. School term time only.


  • Community Coffee Morning (10:30am - 12:30pm): Drop in for a free tea or coffee, have a chat, and enjoy the atmosphere of our Community Hub.
    🟢Church Open


  • Wellbeing Café for the Over 50’s (12pm - 1pm): Join us for healthy tips, guidance, and good company.
    🟢Church Open

  • UDB Youth Café (3:15pm - 4:15pm): Hosted by Urban Devotion Birmingham, this is a lively, safe space for young people to connect and chat with peers, complete with free snacks and drinks.
    School term-time only.


  • Community Coffee Morning (10:30am - 12:30pm): Another chance to enjoy tea, coffee and conversation.
    🟢Church Open

  • Inspiring Fitness - Women Only Fitness Circuit Training (10am-11am): A free exercise session suitable for women of all ages and abilities who are looking for a fun workout. This session with Sam will help strengthen and tone the full body, helping improve core muscles and overall fitness.

  • Inspiring Fitness - Chattie Chairs (11am-12pm): A free, gentle, chair based exercise session, suitable for people with reduced mobility.


  • Welcome Space (2pm - 4pm): Open to everyone! Enjoy free refreshments, games, and a place to connect.
    🟢Church Open

  • Sifa Support for Vulnerable Adults (2pm - 4pm)


If you have any questions about our Community Hub activities, please email Natalie at: