Ministry Team, PCC and Church Centre Staff
At the heart of our church community is a dedicated team of individuals committed to serving and enriching St Barnabas Church. Our Ministry Team, Parochial Church Council and Church Centre staff work together to support the spiritual, pastoral, operational and administrative needs of the church, ensuring that we continue to grow and thrive.
Ministry Team
Revd Emma Sykes - Vicar
Vacant Role - Children and Families Missioner
Abbi Wells - Children and Families Mission Enabler for Sutton Coldfield and Aston
Hermine Brown - Lay reader in church
The PCC is the 'Parochial Church Council'. This is a group of volunteers elected by the church to work with the Vicar and Churchwardens in overseeing the life of the Church and Parish. The PCC can also make representations to the Bishop of Birmingham and the Deanery Synod on matters affecting the welfare and pastoral care of the parish. The members of our PCC are:
Revd Emma Sykes - Chair
Simon Dodson - Churchwarden
Becky Helmn - Churchwarden
Hannah Enefer - Secretary
Louise Ordidge - Parish Safeguarding Officer
Jane Wood - Electoral Roll Officer
Sholadoye Bababunmi
Revd Margaret Robinson
Hermine Brown
Emily Sewell
Erol Simpson
The PCC meet regularly and give their time freely to help guide the church. We are extremely grateful for their ongoing support.
Church Centre Staff
Steve - Operations Manager
Natalie - Community Hub Manager
Ann - Finance and Resources Officer
Hannah - Parish Administrator
Jackie - Parish Facilitator
Liam - Facilities Assistant
Laverne - Cleaner
Stephen - Cleaner
John - Maintenance Assistant