Erdington Historical Society
We are always delighted to welcome Erdington Historical Society to St Barnabas Church Centre.
Meetings take place on the second Tuesday of each month, featuring engaging talks from guest speakers on a wide range of local historical topics. Doors open at 6:30pm, with talks starting at 7pm.
Tea and coffee will also be available before the talk.
Entry is £2 for members and £3 for visitors, and everyone is welcome. If you have an interest in local history, why not come along and discover more?
The 2025 meeting schedule is listed below.
2025 Meetings
February 11th - Heraldry by Revd. Anthony Perry
March 11th - The British Army in the 18th Century by Rob Elliott
April 8th - Salt: Past & Present, "The manufacture & uses of salt from ancient times to the present day” by Charles Brecknell
May 13th - History of Sport in Birmingham Through the Ages by Brian Pearce
June 10th - To be announced
July 8th - To be announced
August 12th - Erdington at War: Covering Aspects of WW1 & WW2 by Paul Jaques & David Vaux
September 9th - Born to be Wild by David Lewis
October 14th - To be announced
November 11th - To be announced
December 9th - AGM/Quiz/Buffet
If you are passionate about history or eager to learn more about our local heritage, the Erdington Historical Society warmly welcomes new members. With an annual membership of just £6, you can join a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy exploring the past together.
For more information or to become a member, please email: